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Why Choose A Career in Business Development?

As a career business development can be incredibly rewarding, not only financially but also in terms of job satisfaction; knowing that it is because of your hard work and determination that a company is expanding and developing its business, increasing trade and creating a new profile as a leader in its field. The role offers a mixture of sales and marketing as well as strategic analysis and you could be involved in product development as well as product marketing and generating sales leads. Being able to identify new business opportunities and generate new revenue from those opportunities is a skill which is in high demand.

Success in the role of business development manager can open doors to job opportunities around the world, all of which are accessible through LinkedIn. From the UK to the UAE companies are looking for people like you to lead their businesses into the future. In the US the average annual salary is in the region of $82,000 which is well above the national average salary.

How to Find a Position in Business Development

There are currently tens of thousands of opportunities for careers in business development on LinkedIn, and by knowing how to make your profile not only stand out to potential employers, but also compliment and enhance your online resume will place you head and shoulders above the competition. By engaging in some simple but effective networking strategies it is possible to make those headhunting for a new business development manager actively seek you out rather than you asking them for a job. By following our ‘How to Use LinkedIn to Advance Your Career’ program you will learn all of the techniques necessary to not only present yourself as an incredible candidate for a position in the industry of your choice, you will also learn how to make LinkedIn work for you.

While social media can be a useful tool in seeking the information you need about current employment opportunity there is no other networking site like LinkedIn for allowing you to get your foot in the door of a number of different companies across a variety of industry sectors all at the same time. LinkedIn is about more than networking, more than making contacts with influential people. It is about promoting yourself as an individual, highlighting your skills and showing those looking for new employees that you have what it takes to be of benefit to their business.

Anyone serious about advancing their career needs to be on LinkedIn, being on LinkedIn means more than simply building a profile and adding a resume. By becoming an active member on what is essentially the world’s largest career advancement site could provide you with the doorway to career success, providing of course that you do it properly using all of the advice and information provided in our unique LinkedIn Career Advancement program.

The best place to start is with the LinkedCareerGrowth free Cheat Sheet. This will walk you through the critical tools LinkedIn offers that you can begin to take advantage and use to help you make progress with your Business Development career.



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