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[av_heading heading=’Discover How to Use LinkedIn to Advance Your Professional Career & Get Headhunted for Interviews.’ tag=’h1′ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ size=’48’ subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’20’ padding=’10’ color=’custom-color-heading’ custom_font=’#ffffff’]
Find Out How to Utilize Today’s Largest Professional Network to Make the Right Connections, Enhance Your Profile, Get Found & Reach Your Career Goals.

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shutterstock_252390910_1920x900Want to advance your career or find a new job? Then you need to be on LinkedIn.

Here’s why: It’s the world’s largest professional network with hundreds of millions of members and it’s growing rapidly.

LinkedIn is basically like traditional networking on steroids — you can interact with more people quicker and easier than with traditional networking and because everything is online and digital the results of your networking can be instantaneous.

  • You could hear about a new job, apply for it and get it all in a single day …
  • You could meet the people who will help you gain the skills and knowledge you need to advance your career just by typing a few sentences in a message and hitting send …

However, the one thing I would strongly caution against is just jumping on the LinkedIn bandwagon and trying to figure things out as you go.

As I mentioned earlier, LinkedIn is a large network with many features and benefits. It’s very easy to find yourself overwhelmed and lost – not knowing what to do next to advance your career or get that dream job.

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[av_heading heading=’That’s Why I Have Created the “How to Use LinkedIn to Enhance Your Career” Program’ tag=’h1′ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’20’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=”]
Find Out How to Utilize Today’s Largest Professional Network to Make the Right Connections & Gain the Proper Skills You Need to Enhance Your Career …

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My name is Sam Oke, and I am the founder of Linked Career Growth. For the last 3 years, we have been helping professionals raise their profile, enhance their image and get Headhunted for their ideal jobs just using LinkedIn – and now, I would like to share these winning strategies with you so that you can achieve the same.

This program breaks everything down into easy steps so that you know exactly what to do and when to do it to immediately begin enjoying maximum benefits from your LinkedIn membership.

  • Now you won’t have to spend hours and hours researching the site to figure out what you need to do …
  • Now you won’t have go through all that frustrating trial and error that so many others have to go through – a process that leads many to just give up …

With this LinkedIn program, you’ll learn:

  • How to identify and target your best prospects and then make meaningful connections with influencers in your industry!
  • A seven-step smart search process that allows you to quickly find exactly who you are looking for on LinkedIn!
  • How to build your professional identity on LinkedIn – including how to optimize your profile and company page to ensure you attract your ideal prospects!
  • How to publish your own posts and position yourself as an expert in your field!
  • How to build a good rapport with colleagues so that new opportunities are constantly being presented to you!
  • A simple trick most LinkedIn users don’t know that will allow you to instantly create a connection with your best prospects!
  • How to develop your own personalized, highly effective career search strategy that will put you on the fast track to finding your dream job!
  • How to identify, and then make yourself attractive to, your ideal employer!
  • The step must LinkedIn members miss that will immediately make you appear more professional to other members!
  • How to write the perfect profile – including a professional headline, the best way to describe your achievements, what your summary must include, how to use keywords and search optimization tactics to ensure you are found by the right hiring managers and recruiters, how to take maximum advantage of the skills section and more
  • How to make the right connections and let people know you are a potential candidate for a job opening!
  • How to conduct a LinkedIn job search while keeping it “under the radar” of your current employer!
  • A unique “Ninja trick” to get around the “how you know” the person connection problem on LinkedIn!
  • Why you should join LinkedIn groups and how to determine which groups are best for you!
  • How to market and brand yourself like a pro on LinkedIn – follow these simple tips to ensure you stand out from the crowd!
  • A ‘trick’ you can use to get more high-quality endorsements in less time!
  • How to improve your visibility on LinkedIn – you can do everything else right but if people don’t see your profile they’re not going to connect with you … find out how to get noticed here!
  • How to use smart search tactics to find the “hidden jobs” – many of the best jobs are hidden from view, here’s how to find them and make yourself the ideal candidate to fill them!
  • And much more – it even includes unique LinkedIn tips and information for specific industries, such as sales and marketing, engineering, technology, management and more!


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[av_heading tag=’h1′ padding=’10’ heading=’When Used Right, LinkedIn Can Make You More Productive & Successful!’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’20’ custom_class=”]
Find Out How to Utilize Today’s Largest Professional Network to Make the Right Connections & Gain the Proper Skills You Need to Enhance Your Career …

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shutterstock_170100236_1920x900But like I said earlier, it can take a long time to figure everything out on your own.

Things will go much faster and smoother when you have guidance from somebody who has already been there and succeeded. Someone who knows the ropes and can teach you how to take full advantage of LinkedIn while avoiding the mistakes so many other beginning members make.

In short, someone like me.

I have written a completely detailed ebook on the subject. It explains every part of the process you need to go through in order to use LinkedIn to advance your career.

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Find Out How to Utilize Today’s Largest Professional Network to Make the Right Connections & Gain the Proper Skills You Need to Enhance Your Career …

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Everything in this LinkedIn program  is based on real-life experience faced by my successful clients and I. These are proven strategies that’ll get you found and placed in your ideal job.

All the various ways to establish your identity, get noticed and enhance your career, we have done ourselves. This program contains no theory, just proven, real-world results.

Over the years, I’ve spoken with other LinkedIn members, I have done extensive research and I’ve tried numerous techniques with our clients, and this is your chance to learn from our extensive education without spending all the time (and money) that we do.

Get this LinkedIn program and you’ll be able to hit the ground running.

There will be no expensive trial and error, no worrisome periods where you feel overwhelmed and don’t know what to do next, no stressing out about whether you are doing the right things to get noticed and connected.

This is your chance to get the expert, been-there, done-that advice and guidance you need to immediately start taking full advantage of LinkedIn.

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Find Out How to Utilize Today’s Largest Professional Network to Make the Right Connections & Gain the Proper Skills You Need to Enhance Your Career …

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How To Use LinkedIn To Find Your Dream Job

  • Module 1 – How to Determine Your Career Search Strategy
  • Module 2 – How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile For Success
  • Module 3 – How to Find and Make the Right Connections For Your Dream Job
  • Module 4 – How to market and brand yourself to be approached by the best employers for the very best positions — your dream position!
  • Module 5 – The strategies and tools for smart job searching so you can find the truly amazing yet hidden jobs!

How To Advance Your Career Using LinkedIn

  • Module 1 – How to target your prospects and take a leap in your career
  • Module 2 – Smart search tactics to help you make the most of your current job
  • Module 3 – How to build your professional identity and take your career to the next level
  • Module 4 – How to build rapport with colleagues up and down the ladder so you can enjoy your work more and move on to your dream job
  • Module 5 – Discover the look and look-back trick that’ll help you truly make the ultimate career leap and find true fulfilment and joy


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[av_heading heading=’So What Are You Waiting For?’ tag=’h1′ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’20’ padding=’10’ color=’custom-color-heading’ custom_font=’#ffffff’]
Find Out How to Utilize Today’s Largest Professional Network to Make the Right Connections & Gain the Proper Skills You Need to Enhance Your Career …

[av_heading heading=’Order This Guide & Learn Everything You Need to Know to Use LinkedIn to Advance Your Career!’ tag=’h1′ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’20’ padding=’10’ color=’custom-color-heading’ custom_font=’#ffffff’]
Find Out How to Utilize Today’s Largest Professional Network to Make the Right Connections & Gain the Proper Skills You Need to Enhance Your Career …

[av_heading heading=’Plus, Order Now & You Can Save Money By Taking Advantage of My Special Introductory Offer’ tag=’h1′ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’20’ padding=’10’ color=’custom-color-heading’ custom_font=’#ffffff’]
Find Out How to Utilize Today’s Largest Professional Network to Make the Right Connections & Gain the Proper Skills You Need to Enhance Your Career …

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How much would you expect to pay for advice and information that could help you turn your professional dreams into reality WHILE saving you time and money?

Certainly, even hundreds of dollars would not be unreasonable to many considering the amount of money that could be made in a new job.

But relax you still won’t have to pay near that much for the “How to Use LinkedIn to Enhance Your Career” Guide.

In fact, right now, for a limited time, you can take advantage of a special introductory offer and receive the program for just $97 – that’s a $50 off the regular price of $149!


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[av_testimonial_single src=’435′ name=’Lori Tremonti’ subtitle=’Information Technology Executive’ link=” linktext=”]
Sam has a great instinct for talent. He is analytical and thoughtful in his approach. He has an eye for identifying skills, expereince and expertise that match the goals of a particular company.
[av_testimonial_single src=’440′ name=’John Durso, Jr’ subtitle=’Director, Communications and Public Affairs’ link=” linktext=”]
Sam’s work is stellar, with his professionalism exemplary. You will be pleased with his results.

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[av_heading tag=’h1′ padding=’10’ heading=’Using LinkedIn to Enhance Your Career Has Never Been Easier’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’20’ custom_class=”]
Find Out How to Utilize Today’s Largest Professional Network to Make the Right Connections & Gain the Proper Skills You Need to Enhance Your Career …

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This program gives you the most relevant, most up-to-date information for taking advantage of LinkedIn and avoiding the common pitfalls and mistakes others have made.

And you will learn from someone who has actually been in your shoes and succeeded. I will guide you through every step of the process of getting established on LinkedIn – from creating your profile to targeting prospects to making connections and much more.


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[av_testimonial_single src=’449′ name=’Clark Misul’ subtitle=’IT Project Manager at US Department of The Treasury’ link=” linktext=”]
Sam has an innovative, trust-building approach to head-hunting relationship. Albeit a recent relationship, I am pursuing every position he finds for me with complete confidence.
[av_testimonial_single src=’452′ name=’Jim Turner, PMP’ subtitle=’Director, Marketing & Customer Acquisition’ link=” linktext=”]
Sam has provided invaluable input regarding my Linkedin profile.The resume provided by him is exemplary. Sam’s expertise will be useful for a rise to the next level.
[av_testimonial_single src=’446′ name=’Jeff Robertson’ subtitle=’Marketing Director’ link=” linktext=”]
Sam has done an outstanding job with his advice and recommendations during my job search – highly recommended.

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[av_heading tag=’h1′ padding=’10’ heading=’So What ARE You Waiting For?’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’20’ custom_class=”]
Find Out How to Utilize Today’s Largest Professional Network to Make the Right Connections & Gain the Proper Skills You Need to Enhance Your Career …

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Begin this program and you will have the exact steps you need to follow to be successful on LinkedIn.

I’ve talked to the best and I’ve studied under the best. I’ve also implemented literally every idea in this book and showed you how to make them work for you. I’ve put all of the very best tips, tricks and techniques for LinkedIn success in this program.

The simple truth is that as someone who started out on LinkedIn with no idea what to do next, the trials and tribulations that beginners face are still fresh in my mind – and I’ve gone to great pains to ensure that they are all addressed in this program.

Follow my instructions and career advancement opportunities will soon be flooding your way! And not only do I tell you exactly what to do but I also give you the reasoning behind every step.

This LinkedIn program gives you complete step-by-step instructions for networking on LinkedIn to find a dream job or advance your career.

  • Imagine making more money …
  • Imagine having more power …
  • Imagine having a better work life balance with more time to spend with family or pursue a hobby …

It could all be possible with a new opportunity you find on LinkedIn.


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[av_heading tag=’h1′ padding=’10’ heading=’Order Now and Receive the Guide for Just $97.’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’20’ custom_class=”]
Find Out How to Utilize Today’s Largest Professional Network to Make the Right Connections & Gain the Proper Skills You Need to Enhance Your Career …

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But don’t delay. This is just an introductory launch price. I must warn you that I can’t keep this program at this low price for long. It is far too valuable.

To take advantage of this tremendous offer while it lasts, click on the order now button below.


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[av_testimonial_single src=’436′ name=’Tom Wilson, M.S.’ subtitle=’Technical Consultant IV at HP’ link=” linktext=”]
Since I have been working with Sam I have found unique opportunities that I never knew existed but match my skill sets 100%. Thank you Sam for a job well done! I recommend Sam to anyone who desire the right job instead of being a number somewhere else.
[av_testimonial_single src=’439′ name=’Nancy J. Wine’ subtitle=’Dynamic Communications Director’ link=” linktext=”]
Sam’s analysis about what interviewers see in the resume turned out to be accurate. His creative suggestions to subtly highlight my achievements and relate them to my skills gave me an edge over competitors. I have landed at a new job. Thank you!
[av_testimonial_single src=’441′ name=’Sean Ebanks, CISA’ subtitle=’Security Compliance Manager at SiteSpect, Inc.’ link=” linktext=”]
Working with Sam was easy. His timely and responsive communications made each step clear and an effective use of my time. His understanding of the industry allowed him to present recommendations that were valued and fresh. Thank you Sam!

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Find Out How to Utilize Today’s Largest Professional Network to Make the Right Connections & Gain the Proper Skills You Need to Enhance Your Career …

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The “How to Use LinkedIn to Enhance Your Career” Program

This program is packed full of short video training that walks you through exactly what you need to do to enhance your image, improve and raise your profile, and get connected with key players in your industry. You will get found and you will advance in your career.

When I set out to create this program I wanted it to be an amazing product . . . comprehensive yet simple to follow, shared in PLAIN English so that it’s dead-easy to read and understand PLUS logically laid out.

At the same time, I wanted ANYONE to be able to take full advantage of all that LinkedIn has to offer as fast as humanly possible so I made a promise to myself . . . not to hold anything back from you.

I believe I have created the ultimate learning tool for anyone interested in joining LinkedIn and using it to find their dream job or enhance their career.

And that’s why you should get this program today.


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[av_heading tag=’h1′ padding=’10’ heading=’With My Unconditional 100% Money-Back Guarantee, You’ve Got Absolutely Nothing to Lose!’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’20’ custom_class=”]
Find Out How to Utilize Today’s Largest Professional Network to Make the Right Connections & Gain the Proper Skills You Need to Enhance Your Career …

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I am so sure that you will love the guide that I am offering an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee.

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply notify me within 60 days and I will refund your money, in full, with absolutely no questions asked!

That’s TWO FULL MONTHS to put this program to the test! I don’t think I can be any fairer than that. Either get the information you need to use LinkedIn to enhance your career or get your purchase price back!

You really do have nothing to lose – and access to a new world of career opportunities to gain!

Plus, if you order the program now, you can take advantage of my immediate access feature to begin reading, viewing, and benefiting from the program in just minutes!

Just click below to get your copy.


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Sam Oke

P.S. In this program, you’ll learn how to create your profile, control search results for your name, build a professional network, get industry insights, connect with other professionals and companies and much more. In short, you’ll learn how to use LinkedIn to take your career to a whole new level of success!

P.P.S. Remember my special introductory offer won’t last long. Begin the program for just $97 before it is too late!

P.P.S Also remember, that you are making this purchase at absolutely no risk. So grab this special price while you can! If the program isn’t everything you were expecting, simply notify me within 60 days and I will refund your money immediately.
