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Why Choose to Advance Your Career to the Position of Director?

Directors in any business are important people. They have responsibilities greater than those of any head of department and in many cases are responsible for the smooth running of multiple departments, the heads of which will report directly to the director. Whether employed in the public or the private sector a company director needs to have a certain skill set. They need to be leaders and they also have to be able to communicate effectively with all employment tiers, from low paid domestic staff through to company presidents. Salaries for the role vary across industry sectors for example an Information Technology (IT) Director can expect to receive an annual salary of around $103,000.

Put very simply the director within any company is required to use their experience, skills and judgement to ensure that the business is a success. They are to abide by the company rules at all times and ensure that any business decisions that they make are in the best interests of the company. It is also the responsibility of the director to correspond and report to shareholders. The director also holds the responsibility for ensuring that all tax information is submitted in a timely manner, ensuring that the company accounts provide an accurate view of the company’s finances.

How to Find a Position as Director

While you may not find many directorships advertised in newspapers or through official employment services, you will discover that this is one of the types of position which is advertised regularly on the business networking site LinkedIn. At any given time there are around 10,000 vacant directorships advertised on the site, both at home and abroad. As you would imagine a directorship within any company or any industry sector is not a role which is awarded lightly. Candidates must show that they have all of the skills, experience and qualifications necessary to be able to fill all of the requirements of the role. This is where the individual’s personal profile and their online resume are very important. In order to ensure that as a potential candidate for the role you need to provide both a profile and resume that are not only complete and truthful, they also need to be eye-catching and interesting.

There are ways and means of achieving this with relative simplicity, as well as lots of tips, tricks and tactics that you can use to get ahead of the game. All of the valuable and useful information is contained within our incredible ‘How to Use LinkedIn to Advance Your Career’ program. This is a valuable tool that anyone serious about progressing their career should have in their possession. The use of social networks is constantly on the increase, so too the business community is relying more and more on business networking rather than more traditional methods for the acquisition of new staff.

The best place to start is with the LinkedCareerGrowth free Cheat Sheet. This will walk you through the critical tools LinkedIn offers that you can begin to take advantage and use to help you make progress with your career as a Director.

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