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Why Choose a Career in Engineering?

Engineers, no matter what kind of industry they are employed in are generally hands on people; people who like to know how things work and people who are interested in the mechanics of everyday objects and processes. Electrical engineers, Gas & Oil Engineers and Mechanical Engineers all have something in common. They all possess a set of transferable skills which can be utilised by different businesses all over the world. From the maintenance and commissioning of fire and security systems to the servicing of a diesel engine these are roles which are required the world over. A large proportion of engineers from all disciplines are self employed, contracted in to firms by outside agencies; though there are many millions more that are employed as regular staff in maintenance departments, auto shops and site services world wide.

Mechanical, electrical and structural engineers have all undergone years of technical training in order to gain the qualifications that they need in order to work in their chosen role. For many, the training process is ongoing, part of a lifelong learning path which keeps them up to date with the latest advances in technology and changes in operational guidelines as well as health and safety. Salaries for the role of engineer very between industry sectors. On average an electrical engineer can earn an average of $66,000 per year depending upon experience.

How to Find an Engineering Position

Employers are constantly on the look out for qualified and experienced engineers to join their teams. Jobs are regularly advertised on websites, in national newspapers and in employment offices. While this is all good there is no access via any of these avenues to the people actually advertising the roles. This is where LinkedIn, the business networking site is different. The people advertising the vacant positions are using the site themselves, have profiles you can view and candidates have the opportunity of finding out more about a business and a position before even applying. LinkedIn is a resource utilised by businesses the world over, and one that many job hunters are ignoring, missing out on valuable opportunities for career advancement.

With more than 200,000 individual engineering roles available, across the full spectrum of engineering disciplines LinkedIn is a major resource when it comes to wither finding employment or advancing your career.  However, many users sign up to the site and expect things to happen on their own. Like any resource the best results come from taking the time to learn how to use it properly. There are avenues to employment and advancement that people miss, simply because they do not know how to make best use of the site. By signing up to our ‘How to Use LinkedIn to Advance Your Career’ program you can be sure you will learn about everything you can accomplish on the site, leaving the way clear for you to get the job you have always wanted

The best place to start is with the LinkedCareerGrowth free Cheat Sheet. This will walk you through the critical tools LinkedIn offers that you can begin to take advantage and use to help you make progress with your Engineering career.

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