Listen first. Fully understand. Then do your level best to address the customer’s need or worry, completely




Welcome to Linked Career Growth. I have with me Richard Wigren. Richard is a Technology Director . He has a Computer Science Degree with more than 35 years of experience. Here we can learn how Richard has grown his career. We can implement some of his strategies in our professional lives.

Lets start with the Q and A !

Richard,what was the worst moment in your career?

Answer:  Finding out that I was in a large political jam with no option for project management success as I perceived success.

What was your AH-HA moment in your job life? i.e( when you thought you could change things )

Answer:When I realized that you must always begin with organizational structure, top down, and authorities when devising solutions. You must identify decision makers and decenters as soon as possible with well defined goals and objectives.

What is your Biggest strength?

Answer:  I am always curious to find out the fundamental reasons for why something works the way it does, and why people believe that it cannot be changed.

What makes Richard Fired up every morning ?

Answer:  Knowing that there are many, many business problems that can be readily fixed with my insights and experience.

  • The Lightning Round:  What was holding you back from becoming what you are today?

Answer:  Contact with business leaders suffering operations problems without the skill or experience to know how to get honest help with their issues.  I can’t find the business decision makers that need help.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Answer:Having to do with highly charged political situations:  “If you take that time to regularly demonstrate to them that you are doing exactly what they asked you to do, then they can’t ever get a clean shot at you”

What’s a person habit that contributes to your success?

Answer:  Listen first. Fully understand.  Then do your level best to address the customer’s need or worry, completely.  Plan to demonstrate this to them.  Don’t offer solutions based upon the fact that you are familiar with them.

If you could recommend one book to our audience, what would it be and why?

Answer:  The Goal, Eliyahu M. Goldratt.  The book clearly points out the human trap that we, most times, find ourselves in when we try to improve a business or operation.  This is such a common problem faced by change initiatives, that this book should be read by anyone in the business of improving business.  It is also easy to read.

P:S : You can connect Richard on LinkedIn :

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