
The post covid era has changed the dynamics of job searching, and now you must learn how to be creative in the job search. Now is the right time to compensate for the loss incurred in the past year and grow.

Nicole has conducted this webinar. Nicole is a Technical Talent Acquisition Manager. She has recruited Apple, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, Thomson Reuters, Symantec, Mattel, and Beachbody.



The post covid era has changed the dynamics of job searching, and now you must learn how to be creative in the job search. Now is the right time to compensate for the loss incurred in the past year and grow.

Nicole has conducted this webinar. Nicole is a Technical Talent Acquisition Manager. She has recruited Apple, Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, Thomson Reuters, Symantec, Mattel, and Beachbody. She has worked across various verticals and has filled every level role, from Intern to C-level. Nicole has led entire ATS implementations and precisely knows how Fortune 500 recruiting differs from startups. You will not find another coach who has done everything in TA!

At the end of this recorded webinar, you’ll get to know simple ways to learn Creative Job hunting techniques, resulting in landing a higher-paying job in just 17 days with an increase in your salary by 40%.