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Why do these people get the salary they DESERVE?

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“Finally! Now You Can… Get the Salary you deserve … even if… you’ve Been a victim of office politics , bad economy , fierce competition and feeling agonized because less experienced candidates are getting placed at great positions..”

These secrets have helped many top level candidates profit from their knowledge, wisdom and experience … Now, it’s YOUR turn to put them to work!

Dear Friend,

It’s tough out there.

I get that.

It’s true that thousands of talented job seekers will start to find their dream job this year.

A few (a very few) will succeed wildly.

A few more will wallow in the sad mud of mediocrity, neither experiencing the thrill of victory nor the agony of defeat. These will live in “no man’s land”.

Most will fail. Miserably and repeatedly. When I say “most”, I mean 97%.

Perhaps you have already experienced one of these failures – after all, the odds are over 97% that you have.

Maybe you know what it’s like to strike out for your goal with enthusiasm, only to smash into a brick wall time and time again.

You do your very best to get the job which gives you a higher salary, but you end up another day older and frustrated.

Maybe you have suffered this kind of burning humiliation more than once. Maybe you feel like no matter how hard you try, you’re just never going to get a job which is closer to your residence or achieve MORE reputation , influence  and respect which you so much deserve.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Don’t feel bad – you’re not alone, and it’s not your fault.

The reason for your frustrated efforts is not a lack of willpower, it’s not gullibility, and it’s not a moral failing on your part.

The reason why you can’t seem to get your dream job is really quite simple, and even easy to fix. What has held you back is you simply have been focused on the wrong things. You are just applying to the job openings randomly without making any connections with the top level executives or hiring managers at the companies you are applying. 

Let that soak in. What that means is if you focus on the right things, you will succeed.

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All You Need Is a Recruiter Who has helped candidates in situations similar to you, And Then You Can begin to Experience the fruits of a higher paying job which is closer to your residence.

It’s really that simple. But maybe not obvious.

The truth is though, every great accomplishment involves growth, and significant growth always comes outside your comfort zone. Sometimes that’s not obvious to us.

Sometimes we think others were just born with the natural talent, or … Something.

They weren’t.

At one time, every talented job seeker started right where you are right now.

There’s no reason holding you back from the same kind of success that others enjoy.

And there’s even better news: you can enjoy that success faster, better, and easier than those who came before you.

Because right now, there’s LinkedIn Profile Writing , the first social professional marketing document that allows you make the right connections online , enables you  to meet the right headhunters and HR managers and takes  your career to new levels of success.

If You Can show up and “Fill in the Blanks” of Your LinkedIn profile , Then You can have THE salary you deserve.

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Maybe you feel like you’ve tried to get this Networking thing going before, but it just never works out. So you’re probably fairly skeptical about some “Profile” being the answer to finally getting your dream job.

But this “Re-Written Profile ” is different. That’s because you get four important components which will attract Hiring Managers to your profile :

Component #1 :   Catchy  Headline :  The first piece of information that people will see on LinkedIn about you is your headline. We will  come up with a catchy headline so as to prompt more people to view your profile. Remember there are over 300 million people on LinkedIn, and you therefore need to create a great first impression so as to get more profile views.

Component #2 :  Knockout LinkedIn Summary :  Your LinkedIn Summary is a make-or-break section of your Profile! To get hired, we emphasize the employer’s Return on Investment (ROI). Your LinkedIn Summary offers one of the only glimpses into your personal brand – so we make it memorable!

Component #3 :  Achievements Re-Written  : We break up your achievements in large paragraphs. Short, easy-to-digest sentences reel in all types of readers, especially those with short attention spans, and bullet points highlight important information for people scanning a webpage. They’ll bring your Profile more traffic from interested employers, and when woven into your success stories, demonstrate how you used these skills to produce results.

Component #4 : Sam’s Proprietary Keyword Formula ( LinkedIn SEO ):  LinkedIn is the monster.com of the 21st century. More than 85% of employers will “source” (find) candidates through LinkedIn. According to your industry and experience we will list out the keywords and analyse which keywords has the maximum hits on LinkedIn. Accordingly , we will have those keywords at the right places so potential employers can find you with ease.

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These are the same secrets I’ve used to get my clients a better salary . The same secrets helped me to work with top tier clients like John Durso, Jr ( Director, Communications and Public Affairs, New Jersey Transit) , Lori Tremonti (Director, Engagement Management at Fiserv) , Joyce Musil ( HR manager at Emmi Roth ) , Antonio Julio ( Executive Director, Enterprise product Management at Dell ) , Larry McCall ( Associate Director , Teva Neuro Science), Eric Breese ( Director Innovations, Evonik Corp.), Ryan Ask ( Senior Program Manager , Rockwell Collins Simulation and Training Solutions ) , Allan Pozol ( Vice President of Sales , Halifax Bio Medical ) , Fabian Manzanares ( Senior Director of Global Channels at Dhaani Systems) 

Here’s what other people have said about my Re-Written LinkedIn Profile :

John Durso, JrDirector, Communications and Public Affairs, New Jersey Transit

John Durso, Jr
“Sam’s work is stellar, with his professionalism exemplary. You will be pleased with his results.”

Michael DelgorioPrincipal, Creative Director, delAardvark Communications

Michael Delgorio
“Sam is a knowledgeable resource on personal branding and positioning. His credentialing counsel leads to succinct profile writing and the ability to identify key attributes that uniquely defines a candidate’s elevator speech. Sam proactively takes the initiative to make a difference in his business efforts.”

Tom WilsonM.S., Technical Consultant IV at HP

Tom Wilson
“Since I have been working with Sam I have found unique opportunities that I never knew existed but match my skill sets 100%. The re-written profile enabled hiring managers to appreciate my quality and move me to the front of the interview line. Thank you Sam for a job well done! I recommend Sam to anyone who desires the right job instead of being a number somewhere else.”

Lori Tremonti Director, Engagement Management at Fiserv

Lori Tremonti
“Sam has a great instinct for talent. He is analytical and thoughtful in his approach. He has an eye for identifying skills, experience and expertise that match the goals of a particular company. Sam knows how to highlight those in a profile. He does an outstanding job of drawing attention to key attributes that count.”

Rod Payton Director of Information Technology at Command Security Corporation

Rod Payton
“Sam has re-written my profile and I have received many compliments on my new profile. It was worth every penny…I highly recommend that you give Sam a shot.”

Clay Worley  Director of Procurement, Texas Military Department at State of Texas

“In the time I’ve known Sam, he has consistently impressed me as an energetic communicator that puts the needs of his customers first. Sam knows the market well and anticipates the needs of prospects so that he delivers persuasive, value adding propositions every time. Don’t miss the chance to work with Sam Oke. He is well equipped with the knowledge to deliver results in a timely fashion at a reasonable cost.”

Antonio Julio  Executive Director, Enterprise Product Management at Dell


“I would like to share my feedback about Sam capable work and quality. He did an outstanding job helping me to present my credentials in a very nice way and ultimately impacting the way my profile has been viewed. I recommend Sam Oke based on his knowledge and commitment to exceed. Excellent professional.”



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Who Else Wants To Get the Profile I used to get my clients a higher salary ?

Here’s exactly what you’re getting right now:


CONNECTION UPSWING: It will  earn you more connections As you are getting more profile views, then it means that more people are interested in you . Apparently, some of them will be eager to add you to their professional network. As such, you will get more connections in return. The more connections you have, the more you will get the most from LinkedIn over time.

SETS YOU APART: It sets you apart from your competition Once you come up with a great profile that is specific to your career you automatically set yourself apart from your competition. This is essential to creating a personal brand on LinkedIn. It is important to be creative when crafting your profile.

DEFINE YOU: It talks about yourself as succinctly as possible. A great profile can enable you talk about yourself as succinctly as possible; while at the same talk of the problems that you are ready to solve for prospective employers. In other words, your profile describes you and what you are capable of delivering.

MAKES YOU SEARCHABLE: Your new profile will Use the keywords that match the type of job opening that you are being hired for,this will not only make it easier for people to find you, but it will also rank you high on search engines as well.

Give readers an idea of your ROI : It will emphasize the employer’s Return on Investment (ROI). Your LinkedIn profile offers one of the only glimpses into your personal brand . It will Tell them – in powerful, keyword-rich sentences that include metrics – why you’ve advanced in your career, and how you can meet their needs

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[av_heading tag=’h1′ padding=’10’ heading=’How Much Does It Cost?’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”][/av_heading]

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You’re smart. You looked around and you know that other profile writing services sell for hundreds of dollars. In fact, just a few weeks ago I conducted a webinar and sold the profile writing at $900 .

And I truly believe that by now you can see it would be worth that much to finally get the salary you deserve , have a job closer to your residence , spend quality time with your family and take full advantage of the powerful contacts.

In fact, I believe it’s worth a multiple of those other products, if only because  I’ll send you a questionnaire designed to get all the information about you that is essential for creating a great profile. Then I’ll carry out in-depth research into your market niche before writing a stellar profile that gets you noticed and puts you on the fast-track to greater success.

Think about this…

If the only thing LinkedIn Profile Writing did was to finally build the relationships to a stronger bond.. it would be worth $900 , yes ?

If the only thing LinkedIn Profile Writing was not get more profile views, then it means that more people are interested in you.. .. it would be worth $900 , yes ?

If the only thing LinkedIn Profile Writing did was set you apart from your competition… .. it would be worth $900 , yes ?

If the only thing  LinkedIn Profile Writing did was make you  Searchable ..your new profile will use the keywords that match the type of job opening you are being hired for . .. it would be worth $900 , yes ?

If the only thing LinkedIn Profile Writing did was Gave readers an idea of your ROI.. you would be a better position to demand at least 40% raise in your salary .. it would be worth $900 , yes ?

The good news is LinkedIn Profile Writing does every one of those things , and more !

But I’m not even going to think about asking you to pay $900. In fact, it won’t even cost you $900.

Because when you take advantage of this special offer right now, your total investment only comes to $297.

But it gets even better. If you’re reading this, it means you can save $200 more, and get your LinkedIn Profile right now for just $97. Plus, you even get “The strategies and tools for smart job searching on LinkedIn so you can find the truly amazing yet hidden jobs!”

The reason why it’s this inexpensive is simple: I don’t want money to stand in your way… And I also want to let you get to know me and the value I bring. Maybe you’ll want to take our business relationship further, and invest in getting my help directly.

If you’re still wavering, and haven’t made your decision, what would have to happen for this to be the easiest decision you’ve made in a long time. First remember this is the very best way to get a salary you deserve ..

Then let’s make the deal even juicier…

When You Act Now and You’re Also Getting “The strategies and tools for smart job searching on LinkedIn so you can find the truly amazing yet hidden jobs!” 100% FREE! You will also Get :

  • How to identify and target your best prospects and then make meaningful connections with influencers in your industry!
  • How to build a good rapport with colleagues so that new opportunities are constantly being presented to you!
  • A simple trick most LinkedIn users don’t know that will allow you to instantly create a connection with your best prospects!
  • A ‘trick’ you can use to get more high-quality endorsements in less time!
  • How to publish your own posts and position yourself as an expert in your field!

So when you order LinkedIn Profile Writing today, you get “The strategies and tools for smart job searching on LinkedIn so you can find the truly amazing yet hidden jobs!” free – so act now!

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[av_heading tag=’h1′ padding=’10’ heading=’In Fact, I’m So Sure You Will Love Your Profile That I’m Also Offering a Money Back Guarantee!’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”][/av_heading]

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Now you know how I can help you. How I’ve helped hundreds of others land at great jobs and build more wealth. I’ve shown you the proof that it works for others and it will work for you, too.

You know that with the “30 Day No Way to Lose, Money Back Guarantee”, you are 100 % protected and safe.

And here’s what you and I both know: one month from today, you will certainly arrive. The question is where? And that is your decision to make. Right now.

To your future success,

Sam Oke

Sam Oke

P.S. Get the terrific LinkedIn profile you deserve – a profile that attracts attention and gets you noticed for all the right reasons.

P.P.S. Remember with my money-back guarantee you have nothing to lose! Either get a winning profile or get your money back.

[av_heading tag=’h1′ padding=’10’ heading=’FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”][/av_heading]

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[av_toggle title=’Q1) What is the difference between a resume and a LinkedIn profile?’ tags=”]
There is a massive difference! The fundamental difference is a resume is outbound career marketing, where LinkedIn is inbound marketing – attracting employers to you. Both should be complementary but do not copy and paste your resume into LinkedIn. The writing should appeal to your employers in order to have them reach out to you. Use our service to have your professional LinkedIn profile written for you.
[av_toggle title=’Q2) Can you prepare a LinkedIn profile for my industry experience?’ tags=”]
Yes, we take all of your information and put it together into a quality profile that you can use with pride on your LinkedIn account. This will help you get found and land your dream job.
[av_toggle title=’Q3) What is the added value that will be provided by you and your LinkedIn profile?’ tags=”]
Your LinkedIn profile needs to be a marketing message that informs the reader why you are the perfect candidate for the position. Our experience and expertise allows us to make you shine through your LinkedIn profile. We can help you do this. Some job seekers think that the purpose of the LinkedIn profile is to write about their past experience – big mistake. LinkedIn profiles are about selling you and your abilities so you can secure the job you want.
[av_toggle title=’Q4) Is it proven that my chances of finding a job increase by using your services?’ tags=”]
99.95% of our clients have found new jobs thanks to our re-write. There’s no better proof than real success stories.
[av_toggle title=’Q5) How does your LinkedIn profile writing service work?’ tags=”]
The moment you make your payment via PayPal (world’s safest payment gateway; remember it is not compulsory to have a PayPal account as you can pay as a PayPal guest via credit card), we will send you the questionnaire. Then we will work one-on-one with you to make sure your LinkedIn profile is ready for your next big opportunity.
[av_toggle title=’Q6) Do you have a service guarantee?’ tags=”]
Yes, we do! You can hire us to write your LinkedIn profile, and if the finished copy doesn’t meet your expectations, simply let us know within 30 days and I will refund your entire purchase price. That’s right — either get a great LinkedIn profile, or your money back.
[av_toggle title=’Q7 ) How will I receive my order once it is completed?’ tags=”]
Your LinkedIn profile will be delivered to you via email and you can download it to your computer. We can deliver it to you in MS Word format, PDF or ASCII.
[av_toggle title=’Q8) After my profile is delivered, can I ask for edits and if so how many times?’ tags=”]
We will complete as many edits as required until you are fully satisfied.
[av_toggle title=’Q9) Do I need to provide you with my LinkedIn logins?’ tags=”]
Some of our clients do, but it is not necessary. If you wish to, you may upload your new profile copy yourself. We will email you the whole file and you can upload new content section by section into your LinkedIn profile.
[av_toggle title=’Q10) When will I get my professionally written LinkedIn profile?’ tags=”]
Our service takes 2-3 days to complete and you will receive your new LinkedIn profile by email.
[av_toggle title=’Q11) Do you have any previous clients who I can talk to? ‘ tags=”]
We can provide references of clients who have used our service. Get in touch for more details. You can also find written testimonials throughout our website.
[av_toggle title=’Q12) Can I contact you by phone?’ tags=”]
Yes, you can. Call us on 877-468-8119.

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