Importance of SEO for LinkedIn Profiles

SEO or search engine optimization is a key component is making your profile more visible online. With good SEO your profile will rank higher in the search engine results. This makes it easier for potential prospects to find your LinkedIn profile from the search results. This will help establish your online presence. With SEO you

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How to find your hidden talent

Everyone has heard about the famous Brazilian footballer Kaka. However, not many know that it wasn’t until he was 15 years old that he started pursuing the sport. Before that he was a tennis player. Had he not discovered his talent for football the world would have been poorer by one great footballer. That is

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How to handle upstart juniors

Everyone hates obnoxious colleagues. They are a pain. But there is something as worse as such colleagues, or maybe even more. They are – upstart juniors. There are times when you come across smart ass juniors who think they are way better than you and the rest of the office. They literally get on your

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